Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"I can't see!"

I had a doctors appointment this morning..well I didnt actually see the doctor, had the test VNG is what the test is...Videonystagmography (VNG) is designed to test inner ear and central motor functions. VNG testing is considered the new standard for testing inner ear functions over Electronystagmography (ENG), this is due to the fact that a VNG measures the movements of the eyes directly through infrared cameras, instead of measuring the mastoid muscles around the eyes with electrodes like the previous ENG version. VNG testing is considered to be more accurate, consistent, and comfortable for the patient. Due to these facts, a superior test is more easily achieved. So there we go..all's I can say, I had on these huge goggles, could see my eyeball on a computer screen. Eventually they kept you in the black, having you ly on you back & sides.. all in the dark..then they blow cold air in each ear, then hot air in each ear..nothing painful, just have a headache now
Headed to the kidney doctor in a bit..we will see what they say...x cross fingers, no biopsy :(

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